A GreenVenture está entusiasmada por ter aderido ao 4º Meet-Up da Confederação Empresarial CE-CPLP.

Estamos a unir a sustentabilidade e o crescimento económico, uma ligação de cada vez.


#GreenVenture #CECPLP #SustainableBusiness

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Insights from Green Venture: The Significance of Exchange Rates
25 jun 2023

Insights from Green Venture: The Significance of Exchange Rates

Ever wondered about the role exchange rates play in shaping the global economic landscape, especially within the renewable energy industry?

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GreenVenture Explores Africa's Renewable Energy Potential
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GreenVenture Explores Africa's Renewable Energy Potential

GreenVenture is excited to venture into Africa's renewable energy market! As Africa accounts for one-fifth of the global population, it's time to address investment gaps and drive sustainable development across the region.  

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Emprego Recorde em Energia Renovável
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Emprego Recorde em Energia Renovável

  O setor de energia renovável está a prosperar para um futuro mais brilhante e mais verde! Aqui estão os destaques principais do último relatório da IRENA e ILO:

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